laundry trolley

Trolleys suitable for automated transport by AGV: features and advantages

Trolleys suitable for automated transport by AGV, which stands for Automated Guided Vehicles, are designed for fully automated transport by AGV robots. 

A trolley suitable for automated AGV transport does not require the use of a driver and, therefore, in a hospital context, allows for a significant reduction in the use of manpower, the efforts of users and, consequently, the occurrence of occupational illnesses.

What are AGV trolleys?

AGV trolleys, as the name suggests and as mentioned above, do not need a driver to move. The trolley has a specific base construction that allows it to be lifted and transported by robots that are positioned between the wheels of the trolley.  The automated transport and related management software allow for an enormous efficiency in the flow of materials.

Within the hospital, these models of trolley can be used to transport different materials: linen, waste, medicines, consumables, sterile containers, meals etc. etc. 

Laundry trolleys for AGV transport: all the advantages

Of all the uses that can be made of AGV cupboard trolleys, linen transport is one of the most common. In a hospital, in fact, a large quantity of sheets, pillowcases, gowns and other textiles are required, which constitute a large volume of material to be handled with a high specific weight.

One of the advantages of using these trolleys, therefore, is that they relieve the user of the burden of having to transport several kilos of linen. Furthermore, with automated transport, delivery to the ‘station’ of a department takes place in total autonomy, avoiding the use of logistics resources for manual or forklift transport. 

The AGVs’ sensor technology makes it possible to recognise any obstacles along the set route and avoid or stop them without any problems. Relying on an automatic AGV transport for linen distribution is therefore a safe and practical method and allows resources to be optimised in the hospital environment.

Automated transport trolleys in hospitals: Shuttle modular system

On Alvi’s website you will find the 5200 CR model: a universal cupboard trolley to manage the flow of materials such as linen, waste or medicines, through transport by Automated Guided Vehicles. Customisation of the internal configuration of the trolleys, specific to the type of material being transported, is also possible.

A further possibility is the use of a shuttle-type model such as the SY 5200. The cupboard trolley suitable for AGV has a movable interior that can be transferred to the relevant transport trolleys and platforms, optimising ergonomic aspects, and guaranteeing the total absence of contamination. 

Automated transport also enables timely handling of emergencies.

Contact our customer service to discuss your needs and help you choose the optimal solution for you. 

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